Our MaxLife Philosophy
The MaxLife Philosophy focuses on optimizing your transformer lifecycle management.
It’s about creating benchmarks that exceed expectations and surpass industry standards.
This is the culture at SDMyers. It’s in everything we do.

A Data-Driven Approach to Reliability
We have access to millions of data points from more than 50 years in business to guide our thinking. That data has inspired the development of standardized transformer testing methods now used by the entire industry, leading to proprietary treatment technologies and equipment that is proven to keep transformers reliable.
The solutions we provide are based on the experience of thousands of field jobs and decades of transformer lifecycle research.

Sharing Our Philosophy With You
What our customers learn through our Training and Education programs will change everything. From fundamental electrical and transformer maintenance to procurement and acceptance testing, our instructors and technical materials have prepared thousands of companies to manage their transformer service.
We hope you will join us in applying the MaxLife Philosophy to your reliability program.