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Alan Ross, SDMyers' VP of Reliability, to present at MaintenanceCon
April 15, 2019 | Chicago, Ill.
Alan Ross will present at MaintenanceCon in Chicago, Ill. about the unique barriers that must be overcome in order to change the culture from an unreliable power system to a reliable power system in both industrial and commercial applications. Utilizing case examples from metals processing, mining, paper, plastic and pipelines to medical and data centers, he will reveal the common barriers we face that are unique to power system reliability.
The main barriers to overcome have been identified as:
- Lack of organizational recognition of the risks associated with unreliability
- Lack of common standards for testing and data management
- Inconsistent maintenance practices
- Poor use of contractors
- Reliance on “fix” versus prevent cultures
- From Boomers to Millennials: A changing workforce
- “TITWWHADI” culture (That is The Way We Have Always Done It)
- Data chaos from the IIot versus UIot (Useful Internet of Things) unique to the power system
Once a power system is viewed through the lens of these barriers to reliability, it is clear that we need more than a program-of-the-day but a complete culture change. Alan will present a proven process for creating a reliable power system, with one company’s current experience implementing this process at a paper company over a multiple plant system.
April 03, 2019