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New Smart Grid Reliabiliy Alliance podcast features a discussion on electric power data management
Tallmadge, Ohio
Alan Ross, VP of Reliability at SDMyers, spoke with Jeff Rockwood, managing director of On Now Digital, about electric power data management for a new Energy Central podcast series hosted by the Smart Grid Reliability Alliance.
On Now Digital recently published research on asset management trends among electric cooperatives. Ross and Rockwood address what that research means to that underserved market at the grid edge, what those with an appetite for going digital with a low budget can do about keeping their system up to date, the need for ubiquitous data management solutions that work across all vendors, and how to manage the “Data Chaos” created by the explosion of data that has happened as a result of the evolving and increasingly monitored grid.
The Smart Grid Reliability Alliance was birthed out of the reliability discipline from the perspective of the IEEE Reliability Society and as a working group within the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP).
March 14, 2019