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SMRP discusses grid reliability during second fly-in of 2018
Washington D.C.
The Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP) was back in Washington, D.C., recently to meet with members of the U.S. Administration, congressional leaders and federal agency officials to discuss SMRP’s expertise in smart grid reliability.
During the two-day fly-in on May 22 and 23, SMRP Smart Grid Working Group Chair Alan Ross and Outreach Director Nancy Frost, PhD, CMRP, led SMRP’s government relations staff in meetings with the White House Domestic Policy Council, the U.S. Senate Energy Committee on Natural Resources, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
SMRP members provided counsel and expertise for maintaining secure, resilient and reliable energy infrastructure in the U.S. Discussions also included how SMRP’s members are vital to maintaining electrical systems through sound reliability practices.
“Our February fly-in was so successful that we dedicated another set of meetings solely to SMRP’s Smart Grid Working Group and its key initiatives, allowing us to focus on a sector that is highly relevant within the Administration, Congress and federal agencies,” said Devin Sears, SMRP’s government relations director. “As a leading voice for the maintenance, reliability and physical asset management profession, it’s important that SMRP continues to advocate, partner and share our grid reliability expertise with key policy influencers.”
Members of SMRP’s government relations program recently participated in the 6th annual National Infrastructure Week, a national week promoting investment in U.S. infrastructure. To learn more about SMRP’s working groups, subject matter experts and advocacy efforts, visit
June 12, 2018