Substation Hum | September 2021 Edition
Feed the Machine: 5 Ways to Queue Up Automated Transformer Management
How will machine learning affect the way you maintain your equipment? This article by SDMyers Product Manager Wesley Suplit explores what digital transformation means for electric power systems—and the data-driven decisions it enables.
Searching for traces of moisture – Karl Fischer titration
Moisture leads to paper insulation breakdown, which can spell the beginning of the end for your transformer. One of the most important tests we do is the Karl Fischer moisture test, which quantifies the trace amounts of water that can be so damaging. Find out more by clicking the button below.
Thinking beyond mineral oil
SDMyers is now an Authorized Service Partner of Cargill's soybean-derived FR3® liquid. This liquid variety offers a higher fire and flash point, accommodates containment and spill remediation, and is non-hazardous in soil and water, helping you meet your safety and sustainability requirements. Here’s a rundown of why many transformer owners choose FR3®.
Learn how to test and maintain transformers in our Transformer Management 1 Series: Oct. 25-29
We offer comprehensive online training for electric power professionals at any level. Our Transformer Management 1 Series covers transformer basics, oil and electrical tests, maintenance principles, and the importance of a reliable electrical power system. This course will be taught live online by our expert Electric Power IQ instructors.