Transformer Moisture Reduction Made Easy
With DryMax–E Technology from SDMyers
Never Worry about Moisture Again
Moisture is the enemy of a transformer. When combined with heat and oxygen, the insulation begins to oxidize, which damages the transformer. This can significantly lessen its reliability and lead to costly failures and downtime. As a transformer owner, the best way to avoid moisture problems is with an online passive dryer like DryMax–E.

Remove moisture from the oil and paper insulation

Install without losing a day of service

Increase the reliable life of your transformer
DryMax–E has Everything You’re Looking for in an Online Dryer
DryMax—E is an online passive dryer for transformers that removes moisture from the oil and the paper while the equipment remains fully energized and in service. Whether you have one, five, or fifty transformers, DryMax–E is a mobile unit that can be installed and re-installed throughout your fleet. Once saturated, the drying media in the columns can be easily changed to continue the drying process.
- Free-standing, rugged construction with stainless steel enclosure
- 2 GPM magnetically coupled pump, moisture meter, and a 1-micron filter
- Optional moisture tracking with SDMyers recommendations
- Safety features and alarms for high-pressure and leak detection
- Removes moisture from the oil and the paper insulation over time
- Mobile unit that can be installed/re-installed throughout a fleet of transformers
- Instructional video, components, and tools provided for media changes
Safe & Reliable Discover DryMax
Seven Questions About Transformer Moisture Reduction
Seven Questions About Transformer Moisture Reduction [Spanish]
DryMax–E Specifications & Resources
How to get started with DryMax–E
When it comes to transformer moisture issues, DryMax–E is the perfect solution to keep your operations running and maximize the reliable life of your transformers. Starting with DryMax–E is easy. Here’s how…

Contact SDMyers about DryMax–E
Complete the form to contact SDMyers about getting started with DryMax–E. A transformer specialist will contact you to see if DryMax–E is the right solution for your needs.
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