Sampling & Shipping Forms

We’re grateful for your business and want you to be armed with the right information and forms to ensure your samples arrive safely and can quickly be received and registered into our lab. See below for some instructions and forms to help.

Packet: Sampling and Shipping Instructions and Forms

These are the full instructions for placing an order, inspecting and sampling assets, and shipping samples – including blank Sampling and Inspection Forms.

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Pre-populated Sampling and Inspection Forms

For equipment already in our system, you can download pre-populated forms!

Go to, then to Sampling Forms Select Equipment from List Click Sampling Form Packet button.

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Transformer / Regulator Sampling and Inspection Blank Forms

Sampling and Inspection forms to be filled out for Transformers and Regulators.

Reminder: Fill out highlighted Required Fields to ensure there are no delays to your testing!

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LTC / Switch / Misc Sampling and Inspection Blank Forms

Sampling and Inspection forms to be filled out for LTC, OCB, Switch, or miscellaneous assets:

Reminder: Fill out highlighted Required Fields to ensure there are no delays to your testing!

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International Shipping Instructions

These are the detailed instructions used to ship samples internationally. English and Spanish language versions are provided.

View & Download - English

View & Download - Spanish

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