Substation Reliability Tip #02
Transformer Experts are Lifelong Learners
Learn how to extend transformer reliability with the power of knowledge.
Our entire MaxLife philosophy at SDMyers is predicated on keeping electrical power equipment healthy, reliable, and always on for as long as possible. So, what does it take to create that kind of longevity and reliability for your organization to experience uninterrupted power year after year?
It’s never just one thing, but something that must be included in your approach is developing a culture of learning. At SDMyers, we believe transformer experts are lifelong learners.
A culture of learning helps us understand our equipment inside and out, become educated on industry standards, and master the theory and skills needed to operate a healthy system. Lifelong learners are willing to go beyond Ohm’s law and discover what best practices are needed, how to apply them to their context, and why it matters.
If our goal is to maximize the reliable life of our electrical power equipment, it will come in part from the power of knowledge.
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